Bible and Money

The Bible and Money

Bible and Money

Managing Finances


In this series we reflect a bit on the Bible and our personal finances.

This includes our wise use of the resources God has given us, debt and the choices we make in this most important area of our lives.

Lessons on the Bible and Money

The Bible and Money – Part 1

In our first post in this series, we take a look at the concept of stewardship, which is the wise use of the resources that God has given us.  However, instead of talking about money, we go back to the beginning to reflect on the trust that God placed in his creatures to care for his creation.

This trust is what should spur us in the wise use of all the resources God has entrusted to us, including money.

The Bible and Money – Part 2

In our second post in this series, we take a look at the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-15) to gain further insights into the important concept of stewardship.

The Bible and Money – Part 3

In our third post in this series, we take a look at the destructive effects of consumer debt within our financial picture.  Our proverb sums it up the best:  “the borrower is a slave to the lender.” (Prov 22:7)

The Bible and Money – Part 4

In our fourth post in this series, we take another look at the destructive effects of debt and how to take steps to stop the debt cycle.

The Bible and Money – Part 5

In our fifth post in this series we take a look at the motivations and attitudes we have with respect to money.  After all, money is not in itself the main problem.  Often, it is our love of money that gets us into trouble.