Abundant Life Newsletter

“Because life was meant to be lived to the fullest…”




I believe life is a gift as well as a journey of discovery and adventure in the Lord!

In this section, I combine my own experiences and philosophy of life as well as different strands of biblical teaching to give you my insights into how to have a BOUNTIFUL LIFE!

Enjoy and may you be richly blessed.



Special Abundant Life Newsletter Series

Our Relationship With Money

In this series we reflect a bit on the Bible and that most precious of commodities => money.

Many people have a strange relationship with money.  Most of us probably don’t have enough (or at least we feel as if we don’t have enough) to spend on the things we really need or want.

Some of us are trapped in debt, live paycheck to paycheck or are always borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.  The lack of money can lead to stress, guilt over not being able to purchase things for our families or even conflicts with our significant over our spending priorities (or lack thereof) .

In some cases, we might even feel guilty about money, perhaps because we make enough but somehow associate that with worldly pursuits.  In short, money is ultra important in life, yet for many of us, it’s our number one cause of grief or headache.

The Bible and Money

In our Abundant Life Newsletter series, we tackle this touchy subject of personal finances starting with a good definition of stewardship.  This series will also touch on the destructive effects of consumer debt, some steps you can take to escape from this vicious cycle and the attitudes we bring to the subject of money.

It is my hope that you can gain a healthier perspective on this most important of commodities, that you regain control of your personal finances and that you channel your resources into life-affirming and life-growing commitments.

Click to access our Abundant Life Series: The Bible and Money

Other Abundant Life Newsletter Series

Matthew 18 Community

The Matthew 18 Community series looks at some of the relational principles found within the 18th chapter of Matthew.

At the heart of the chapter is a process for dealing with conflict in a healthy way and with the goal of restoration and reconciliation.  Other topics include the importance of humility in our relationships and the powerful principle of forgiveness in setting us free from our emotional bondage to others.

What is God’s Will For My Life?

In this series we take a look at the whole concept of “God’s will for our lives.”  We begin by talking about some erroneous notions regarding this subject.  Afterward, we take a look at what the Bible has to say on finding God’s will.  We complete our series by giving you a blueprint to help you make any decision with confidence.